Encounter Session - 1on1 Counseling
Opening Up the Communication Lines Between You and the Trinity!
Service Description
We believe that the Bible is a book that is inviting all of us to meet its author! Joshua Marcengill, the founder of Abundant Encounters, Inc. is the writer of a book called Encounters - Pressing into Your Abundant Heavenly Supply and his heart is to help every believer have this amazing connection to Jesus, Holy Spirit and Father God! If you want more encounters in your life but have not had breakthrough, Josh believes that he can help you most effectively through this counseling session. While this is not an official Bethel Sozo ministry this is a sozo-like lay-counseling session that utilizes a facilitated prayer that can help to unlock and unblock the communication lines between you and the Holy Trinity. Josh often says, "God is not short on encounters my friends." and you can have more moments with God, even daily! Joshua is a part of a network of Certified Financial Sozo™ Counselors led by Stephen DeSilva, former CFO of Bethel Redding and Josh will utilize tools from Financial Sozo™, Bethel Sozo and Shabar ministry to help you overcome and restore your vital daily encounter connection! Your payment will be used to help support Abundant Encounters, Inc. a 501c3 Kingdom Cause.
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule please contact us 24hrs before your session.
Contact Details
Encounter Session Client
“I needed this. I needed to know that He cared about this and now I know because He showed me in this session."