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13 items found for ""

  • Financial Sozo™ - with Glen Muir

    Break Free From Financial Fear: Financial Sozo with Glen Muir Do you feel intimidated by money? Does it cause stress and anxiety? The truth is, money can be a powerful tool to reveal what's truly in your heart. As Jesus said, "where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." Financial Sozo is a unique approach to healing your relationship with money. It's not just about budgeting or financial planning - it's about breaking unhealthy cycles and false beliefs holding you back. Here's what you can expect: Uncover the root causes: We'll explore your financial history and identify limiting beliefs that may be keeping you stuck. Discover your financial purpose: Learn what God desires for your finances and align your goals with your faith. Develop a personalized plan: Create a SMART plan to achieve financial freedom that lasts. Hear from God: Through guided exercises, you'll receive insights and direction from the Holy Spirit. Your facilitator, Glen Muir, brings a wealth of experience to the table: Financial Expertise: Glen holds a B.A. (Honours) in Economics and has taught Business Studies for over 20 years. Spiritual Guidance: Trained in various healing modalities, Glen helps you connect with God's plan for your finances. Accredited Financial Sozo Facilitator: Glen is a certified member of Stephen DeSilva's Financial Sozo Network. Sessions last 60-90 minutes and leave you feeling empowered to manage your finances with confidence. Ready to break free from financial fear? Book your Financial Sozo session with Glen today!

  • Coaching - Financial Sozo™ PLUS+

    The Financial Sozo PLUS+ includes a Financial Sozo counseling session plus two additional sessions for coaching for a total of 3 sessions at about 1 hour each. In the first session Josh Marcengill will provide a certified Financial Sozo (Sozo is a form of Inner Healing counseling) along with several tools to help prepare for the second session about hearing from God on your unique purpose. Our goal will be to set you free from the average of 80% toil (low impact or ROI activities) that are likely making up your financial efforts. For the last session Josh will provide a Goal workshop to maximize the average 20% of purpose-driven work that you do into more of your daily life. This process will take place on separate days within the desired timeframe and schedule availability (anywhere from 2 to 3 weeks time in general). Your payment will be used to help support Abundant Encounters, Inc. a Kingdom Cause to help everyone we can experience the reality of their connection with God.

  • Biblical Counseling Session (BCBC)

    This is a single session. Click the link below to get 3 sessions at only $180! Biblical Counseling at Abundant Encounters integrates your faith with proven psychological principles to address life's challenges. We believe God's word offers powerful guidance and comfort, and we utilize it to help you develop healthy coping mechanisms and strengthen your relationship with God. Our approach goes beyond traditional talk therapy by incorporating inner healing tools to address past hurts and underlying emotional struggles. Additionally, we utilize trauma-informed practices to create a safe and supportive environment for healing, fostering a path towards wholeness and a renewed sense of peace. Joshua Marcengill is a Board Certified Biblical Counselor with the IBCC and the American Association for Christian Counselors. He offers faith-based counseling services to individuals, couples, and families struggling with a wide range of life challenges. Whether you're facing anxiety, depression, relationship issues, or any other difficulty, Biblical Counseling can provide you with the guidance and support you need to find healing and hope. Are you ready to begin your journey towards wholeness? Contact Joshua today to schedule a consultation and explore how Biblical Counseling can help you. Get 3 sessions for $180:

  • Encounter Session - 1on1 Counseling

    We believe that the Bible is a book that is inviting all of us to meet its author! Joshua Marcengill, the founder of Abundant Encounters, Inc. is the writer of a book called Encounters - Pressing into Your Abundant Heavenly Supply and his heart is to help every believer have this amazing connection to Jesus, Holy Spirit and Father God! If you want more encounters in your life but have not had breakthrough, Josh believes that he can help you most effectively through this counseling session. While this is not an official Bethel Sozo ministry this is a sozo-like lay-counseling session that utilizes a facilitated prayer that can help to unlock and unblock the communication lines between you and the Holy Trinity. Josh often says, "God is not short on encounters my friends." and you can have more moments with God, even daily! Joshua is a part of a network of Certified Financial Sozo™ Counselors led by Stephen DeSilva, former CFO of Bethel Redding and Josh will utilize tools from Financial Sozo™, Bethel Sozo and Shabar ministry to help you overcome and restore your vital daily encounter connection! Your payment will be used to help support Abundant Encounters, Inc. a 501c3 Kingdom Cause.

  • Sabbath Missions™

    About your team: You know it could be better, but you need the time, the space to work on skills together for the sake of the work and, perhaps even more importantly, for the sake of the bond between each other. HOW IT WORKS PREPARATION We utilize assessments and tools to help bring your team together with the right experiences for the most fulfilling and impactful local or international mission trip they've ever had. LOCATION Options for local outreachs and weekend sabbath getaways with the team are all on the table. We also have access to global networks of trusted mission sites and movements who we can work with to help you find the best fit based on your need, your budget, and your team. REST After returning from your impactful trip, we help to arrange rest and appropriate counseling and coaching support that will help your team return home full rather than empty. Inspired and ready to grow your business or ministry.

  • Speaker - Joshua Marcengill

    Josh has messages that include real-life experiences with encounters and the power of the testimony to change people's lives. He is committed to the wealth that God and His Bible bring into the lives of each and every Christian. If you need someone to help you encourage your group to commit themselves to steward their testimonies, to the word and relationship that God has made available through Jesus Christ, you should have Joshua come and speak at your next service or event!

  • Team Trainings

    About your team: You know it could be better, but you need the time, the space to work on skills together for the sake of the work and, perhaps even more importantly, for the sake of the bond between each other. HOW IT WORKS PREPARATION We utilize assessments and tools to help bring your team together with the right experiences for the most fulfilling and impactful team retreat they've ever had. LOCATION Options for local outreachs and weekend getaways with the team are all on the table. We also have access to global networks of trusted mission sites and movements who we can work with to help you find the best fit based on your need, your budget, and your team. REST After returning from your impactful retreat, we help to arrange rest and appropriate counseling and coaching support that will help your team return home full rather than empty. Inspired and ready to grow your business or ministry. ABOUT OUR FACILITATORS We are facilitators who are adept in active listening skills, group attunement, appreciation and gratitude, inclusivity and diversity, and servant leadership. We promote a sense of belonging, identity, collaborative growth, and celebrate the leadership of Christ. We look for and follow the calling on your team with your purpose, vision, strategy, and tactics.

  • Sustainable Team Missions

    When we combine missions with team building, ecotourism and strengths-based leadership consulting we help create win-wins for generations to come. Reach out to reach in One of the most life-changing things you can do is go on a mission trip. We'd like to help the world and help your team at the same time. By putting intention and preparation into a mission trip we know that we can help bring bottom-line increasing social capital into your organization. Your team will grow in generosity toward each other. They'll be able to embrace your organizations' mission like never before. Your team will grow in trust and loyalty to both each other and your company. Biblical Sustainability People People were made to live and work in community. The Bible shows us how every community functions best when it acts like a family. The healthy family isn't a machine, it's a powerhouse design for achieving purpose. Profit Money was made to serve us and is very good at it. When we take the tool money and give it a cause, it grows exponentially. The Bible shows us how the bottom line can grow for the sake of better communities and a healthier planet. Planet The Bible makes it clear that the earth longs for and waits for us to care for it. While this message is often lacking from Christian sermons it is not lacking from the Bible. To us, revival looks like abundant realities for the planet and creation.

  • Bethel Sozo Session - 1on1 Counseling

    What is Sozo? It’s a Greek word that appears 110 times in the New Testament and means to be “saved, healed, and delivered” all at once. “She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because He will SAVE (Sozo) His people from their sins.”Matthew 1:21 (NIV) Sozo Helps: - Get to the root of issues hindering your connection with the Godhead. - Reconnect with each member of the Trinity and receive a fresh revelation of God’s love. - Heal painful/traumatic wounds and memories. - Experience the life of freedom and wholeness that God has for you. Yes, Sozo is a deliverance ministry: We believe that deliverance 1) should be gentle and 2) can’t be separated from inner-healing. When wounds, lies, and traumatic memories are healed and God’s love is freshly experienced, the enemy’s access point to you is closed. Deliverance is a natural byproduct of this healing process and helps you maintain your newfound freedom. Most Sozo sessions will focus on reconnecting you to God in your areas of pain. However, our advanced ministers are skilled in prophetic deliverance too. Victims of the occult, SRA, and other severe trauma have experienced freedom and wholeness through a combination of Sozo and Shabar ministry tools. Your Sozo session: There will be 1-3 Sozo ministers in the room praying for you and guiding you through a process of connecting with God. As the Holy Spirit leads, you’ll be invited to ask Father God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit questions about: 1) Lies you’re believing 2) Wounds that need healing 3) People to forgive 4) Unhealthy relational and/or generational ties 5) Sins to renounce You’ll come away with a fresh revelation of God’s love and truth.

  • Bethel Sozo Session - with Tina Hester

    Tina Hester, the author of "Healed By Love: A Journey into Freedom from the Past," can help you break free from the hurts that can cause feelings of inadequacy, worthlessness, and lack of confidence. In her book, Tina provides practical and biblically-based insights, but if you're looking for more personalized guidance, consider booking a virtual Sozo counseling session with her. As a Freedom Coach and Certified Christian Counselor with over 20 years of experience, Tina has helped countless individuals walk in their God-given identity and heal from past traumas. Through Sozo counseling, a powerful inner healing and deliverance ministry, Tina can help you too. Don't wait to start your journey to wholeness. Book a virtual Sozo session with Tina Hester today! What is Sozo? It’s a Greek word that appears 110 times in the New Testament and means to be “saved, healed, and delivered” all at once. “She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because He will SAVE (Sozo) His people from their sins.”Matthew 1:21 (NIV) Sozo Helps: - Get to the root of issues hindering your connection with the Godhead. - Reconnect with each member of the Trinity and receive a fresh revelation of God’s love. - Heal painful/traumatic wounds and memories. - Experience the life of freedom and wholeness that God has for you. Yes, Sozo is a deliverance ministry: We believe that deliverance 1) should be gentle and 2) can’t be separated from inner-healing. When wounds, lies, and traumatic memories are healed and God’s love is freshly experienced, the enemy’s access point to you is closed. Deliverance is a natural byproduct of this healing process and helps you maintain your newfound freedom. Most Sozo sessions will focus on reconnecting you to God in your areas of pain. However, our advanced ministers are skilled in prophetic deliverance too. Victims of the occult, SRA, and other severe trauma have experienced freedom and wholeness through a combination of Sozo and Shabar ministry tools. Your Sozo session: There will be 1-3 Sozo ministers in the room praying for you and guiding you through a process of connecting with God. As the Holy Spirit leads, you’ll be invited to ask Father God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit questions about: 1) Lies you’re believing 2) Wounds that need healing 3) People to forgive 4) Unhealthy relational and/or generational ties 5) Sins to renounce You’ll come away with a fresh revelation of God’s love and truth.

  • Biblical Counseling Sessions (BCBC)

    Schedule the first of 3 sessions that are included in this one-time price. You will be able to schedule the remaining two sessions based on the recommendation of the counselor during your first session. Sessions last 50 minutes to an hour. Biblical Counseling at Abundant Encounters integrates your faith with proven psychological principles to address life's challenges. We believe God's word offers powerful guidance and comfort, and we utilize it to help you develop healthy coping mechanisms and strengthen your relationship with God. Our approach goes beyond traditional talk therapy by incorporating inner healing tools to address past hurts and underlying emotional struggles. Additionally, we utilize trauma-informed practices to create a safe and supportive environment for healing, fostering a path towards wholeness and a renewed sense of peace. Joshua Marcengill is a Board Certified Biblical Counselor with the IBCC and the American Association for Christian Counselors. He offers faith-based counseling services to individuals, couples, and families struggling with a wide range of life challenges. Whether you're facing anxiety, depression, relationship issues, or any other difficulty, Biblical Counseling can provide you with the guidance and support you need to find healing and hope. Are you ready to begin your journey towards wholeness? Contact Joshua today to schedule a consultation and explore how Biblical Counseling can help you.

  • Financial Sozo™ 1on1 Counseling Session

    Joshua Marcengill, the Founder of Abundant Encounters, Inc. is a part of a network of certified Financial Sozo™ Counselors led by Stephen DeSilva, former CFO of Bethel Redding. A Financial Sozo session is useful for breaking destructive patterns and beliefs surrounding the subject of money and capacity. Gain victory in the battle over wealth today by scheduling your Financial Sozo™ Your payment will be used to help support Abundant Encounters, Inc. a Kingdom Cause to help everyone connect with the reality of God in this life.

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